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They represent a local damage of the skin occurring usually in patients who are bedridden. Certain conditions may accelerate the occurrence of bedsores or may make them more serious:

  • Loss of their natural mobility (coma, paralysis)
  • Feeling generally ill (denutrition, dehydration):
  • Body acidification, respectively the decrease in the pH of the blood under the value of 7.30
  • The long time use of cast may favour the occurrence of such

The bedsores are caused by an extended compression upon a prominent region, affecting especially the compressed areas: buttocks, sacral region, heels, sometimes the elbows, the shoulder blades or the posterior part of the skull. Bedsores appear when the compression exceeds the capillary filling pressure which is 32 mmHg.

Pressure ulcers: they are the bedsores located in the tissue which is subject to a constant pressure in a certain area of the skin. The blood flow in that area is reduced and then cell death occurs, the skin is damaged and ulcers appear. The pressure ulcers occur especially in the persons who are bedridden for long periods of time.


In the beginning, a red and painful area appears. Then the skin becomes brown, dark in colour, hard, non-elastic, forming a crust that is not sensitive to touch, practically skin is necrotic and dead. The disappearance of this necrotic skin leaves behind an ulcer, the tissues from under the skin (muscles, tendons, bones) remaining uncovered. Intense pain accompanies this condition.


The bedsores are felt by the patient from its early stages; at the same time, they are noticed by the personnel caring for the bedridden patient. The specialised physician many times can only confirm the presumptive diagnosis determined by the patient or the next of kin.

From the initial stage up to infection there are several stages:

  • Stage I: an erythematous region appears, this is persistent for more than one hour from the removal of the compress;
  • Stage II: a superficial lesion appears: abrasion, superficial ulcer, vesicles;
  • Stage III: the lesion exceeds the skin and reaches down into the subcutaneous tissue and muscles; sometimes an infection occurs:
  • Stage IV: there are bone lesions or lesions of the joint accompanied or not by an infection;


Disinfecting and cleaning the area are very important. After cleaning the area, Epitelin cream should be applied. Epitelin is a cream with special effects, capable of treating even advanced bedsores. Epitelin is a cream without microbial load, this is why it may be safely applied even on open wounds. The 100% active natural ingredients stimulate own regenerative process of the skin, having an additional antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It may be applied in any stage of the disease, helping in the restoration of the tissues.

Prevention is indispensable

  • The frequent change in the position of the bedridden patient is necessary
  • It is appropriate to perform local massages which should stimulate blood flow and implicitly the blood supply and the oxygenation of the tissues
  • Cold and warm compresses can be applied alternatively
  • The cast should be checked if it is not too compressive

Last but not least, diet is very important. A diet that includes at least 50% green vegetables of the daily intake is recommended. These are consumed not being prepared with heat, from sources that are as safe as possible.

The consumption of the following products is forbidden: sugar, sodas, fried foods, refined oil, margarine and any foods that are very processed or refined. The consumption of at least 3 litres of liquids/day is recommended in order to help us detoxify our blood. As liquids, still, pure water and in some cases, teas recommended by the physician are allowed. Drinking water should have a pH that is as close as possible to 9, but water with a pH under 7.00 should not be administered.