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Definition of eczemas

Eczemas are skin conditions usually allergic characterised by the following: local skin inflammation, local redness and small vesicles usually covered by plaques. Skin manifestation is typical, the forms being very diverse.

The causes of the occurrence of eczemas may be:

  • Body toxicity with food additives or chemical substances of cosmetics (preservatives, dyes)
  • Allergens: pollen, fungi, dust mites
  • Air pollution
  • Emotional stress
  • Lesions with toxic substances
  • Irritating substances: soaps, detergents

Diagnostic of eczemas

The diagnosis is established by the dermatologist based on the physical examination. The diagnosis can be many times difficult to establish and the medical history plays a very important role. The following are very important is establishing a correct diagnosis: life style, diet, environmental factors, work place, potential temporary or permanent exposures to toxic substances.

Sometimes, biopsy may offer relevant information for a correct diagnosis.

Treatment of eczemas

It is recommended to avoid the products which contain synthetic active ingredients. They produce a temporary improvement by inhibiting the body’s defence mechanisms, while the disease could return in another area or under another form.

Natural products which could stimulate the healing mechanisms of the human body are recommended. We recommend for its excellent healing properties: the Epitelin cream. The Epitelin cream is a natural product with 100% natural active ingredients made of marigold, evening primrose and chamomile. The cream has epithelializing, regenerating and healing effects. The treatment of eczema and the healing time are reduced substantially by using this cream.