(+4) 0256 472 213

The personal data processing policy explains:

  • What information we collect and why we collect it.
  • How we use that information.
  • The options we offer, including the manner in which the information is accessed and updated.

Contact information

SC Exhelios SRL, having its registered office in Timișoara Str. Colonel Martir Uta Ioan nr. 3.

What kind of information we collect from you and how it is used

Through the www.aliphia.ro website, SC Exhelios SRL collects information from its users in a direct manner by filling in the personal data upon the creation of an account or upon the laughing of an order, through the forms on the www.aliphia.ro website. Once the forms presented on the www.aliphia.ro website are filled in, we are processing where applicable the following personal data: Name and first name, address, e-mail and phone.

We will not disclose/sell to third parties the addresses in this database and we will make sure through all means which we have available that this information is safe.

SC Exhelios SRL through the website www.aliphia.ro does not offer the information collected to third parties without your express and prior consent.

We guarantee to you that we will use our best efforts in order to ensure the security of your personal data in our systems, according to the security standards imposed by the applicable Romanian laws and according to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) no. 679/2016 which applies starting on May 25th, 2018.

Who has access to the information collected from you:

We restrict the access to the personal data, allowing it only to the employees and contractors who are entitled to find out the respective information in order to process them in your name and who are subject to contractual obligations of strict privacy and may be considered liable or whose contract will be terminated if they do not fulfil these obligations.

By way of exception from the cases presented above, SC Exhelios SRL will not disclose any information that is personally identifiable about its users to third parties without receiving first the express consent of the users in this sense.

The access, the update or the removal of your personal information

Every time you use our services, our purpose is to offer you access to your personal information. If the respective information is wrong, we use our best efforts to offer to you manners to update it rapidly or to delete it, except for the cases in which we have to keep the respective information for legal purposes. When you update your personal information, we can ask you to confirm your identity prior to act based on the respective request.

Any user of the website www.aliphia.ro may request: the rectification, update, blocking or deletion of the processed personal data. The request will be drawn up in written form, will contain the justification of the requests, will be dated and signed. The participants’ requests will be sent with a registered letter to the office of the company SC Exhelios SRL, Timișoara, str. Colonel Martir Uta Ioan nr. 3, or via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If using the e-mail, the request will be considered received only at the moment when the e-mail is confirmed by a representative of the Exhelios SRL company. In the request the participant may show that he wants that the information should be communicated to him at a certain address, which may be the e-mail, or through a correspondence service which should ensure that the hand over will be performed only personally. SC Exhelios SRL will communicate the measures taken based in the request received within MAXIMUM 30 days from the reception of the request.


Our privacy policy can change periodically. Your rights based in this Privacy policy will not be reduced without your explicit consent. Any amendments made to the Privacy policy will be posted on this page and, if the changes are important, we will provide a notification with a higher visibility (including, in the case of certain services, an e-mail notification regarding the amendments brought to the Privacy policy).

Final provisions

By browsing on the website and/or by sending a form, users declare to agree to the current provisions of the privacy policy and of processing personal data and they agree to the free of charge processing, by SC Exhelios SRL, of the personal data for the purposes mentioned above.

All the users of this website are guaranteed all their rights according to the provisions of Law no. 677/2001, respectively the right to information, the right of access to data, the right to intervene upon the data, the right to oppose, the right to not be subject to an individual decision and the right to refer to justice and the rights are guaranteed according to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) no. 679/2016, applicable from May 25th, 2018.

SC Exhelios SRL undertakes to keep the privacy of the personal data and to apply technical and organizational measures appropriate for the protection of these data against loss, accidental or illegal destruction, change, unauthorised disclosure or access, as well as against any form of illegal processing.

Updated: May 24th, 2018