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Definition of herpes

Herpes is a viral infection which usually appears on the lips, around the mouth or the genitals. Herpes appears as a result of a weakened immune system, a moment when the virus can multiply. Herpes usually has the following symptoms: discomfort with local pulsating sensation, itching, inflammation, burning sensation and the appearance of small fluid-filled blisters.

Herpes infection - oral herpes

The herpetic virus is a virus that once having entered the body will always remain in a dormant state waiting for the proper moment to be reactivated. Thus, we can differentiate between the primary herpetic infection and the recurrent herpetic infection:

  • Primary herpetic infection, the virus disappears from the skin lesions, but lies dormant in the sensitive ganglia of the nerves corresponding to the affected area;
  • Recurrent herpetic infection is caused by the reactivation of the dormant virus which migrated along the nervous pathway to the skin surface:

Recurrent infection usually occurs in the same place where the primary infection occurred. Recurrent herpetic infection occurs under the following cases when the immune system is weakened: after colds or infections; stress, tiredness; immunosuppressants: antibiotics, corticoids; hormonal variations: menstrual cycle, pregnancy, puberty; allergies; poisoning, etc.

Natural treatment - with lips protecting cream with anti-herpetic action

Composition: 100% natural active ingredients from liquorice, mugwort, common sea buckthorn, olive and vitamins A and E.

Active ingredients: glycyrrhetinic acid, terpenic compounds, natural bioactive complex; The glycyrrhetinic acid has a structure similar to that of cortisol and a powerful action of inhibiting the herpetic virus. The active ingredients go into the ganglia of the sensitive root of the nerves and stops the recurrent herpetic infections. It is recommended to apply the cream from the first signs or currently in the periods of predisposition.

Antiherpetic mechanism

The mode of action consists in the extracellular inactivation of the virus and blocking the viral particles from entering the cell membrane and the capacity of the virus to synthesize new structural compounds.

Glycyrrhetinic acid is selectively combined with protein kinase P => significant reduction in its activity => supresses the phosphorylation of cell proteins and of the ones coded by the virus; inhibits viral DNA and RNA synthesis; stimulates local production of interferon and has an anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting the production of PGE.

By using this cream, the herpes virus is inactivated even if it is in a dormant state, ant the recurrent infection is less likely to occur. Practically, the level of the immune system should be very low for the few virus strains remained to have enough strength to produce a new outbreak.