(+4) 0256 472 213

1. Sale operations on the website

You can buy our products online by following the steps below:

  1. Select the product you want to purchase and press the button “ADD TO CART”. Then you will be automatically redirected to the view page of the Shopping cart, where you can view the product existing in the cart, all the information available about the product, so that you can change the quantity that you want to buy or delete the product.
  2. In order to also add other products in the cart, go back to the website by pressing the button “BACK TO PRODUCTS”, select the products that you wish to purchase and then press the button “ADD TO CART”. The selected products will remain in the cart.
  3. To complete the order, press the button “FINISH ORDER”.

You can choose among 3 options:

NEW CLIENT - In order to continue the process, access successively the sections and fill in the required fields. The advantage of this option is that, upon returning to the website and making a purchase, the filling in of the fields necessary for delivering the order will be done automatically. After you have ticked off the box where it is specified that you agree to the Terms and conditions, choose the button “FINISH ORDER”.

ORDER WITHOUT REGISTERING - In order to continue the process, access successively the sections and fill in the required fields. This option implies the manual filling in of all the fields necessary for the delivery whenever a purchase is made. After you have ticked off the box where it is specified that you agree to the Terms and conditions, choose the button “FINISH ORDER”.

SIGN IN - If you already have an account, you just have to sign in, to tick off the box I agree to the Terms and conditions, and to press the button “FINISH ORDER”. If the delivery address is not the same as the invoice address, indicate this by selecting under “Other delivery address” the button “Yes” and fill in the compulsory fields at the end of the form.

After completing the delivery, you will receive a confirmation e-mail which will contain all order details.

2. Delivery and payment method


Payment will be performed in cash or on delivery.


The ordered products will be delivered in original packaging. The dispatch of the products will be performed everywhere in Romania, at the delivery address specified in the order. The usual delivery period of the products ordered online on the official website of the company is 1-3 working days, from the moment the order is confirmed by EXHELIOS. An exception to this is represented by the force majeure cases (calamities, natural disasters, impracticable roads, accidents, etc.)

Within Romania:

  • For order totals higher than 50 RON, the delivery is free of charge, the transport costs are incurred by EXHELIOS;
  • For order totals lower than 50 RON; transport costs are 15 RON and they are incurred by the Client.

For orders outside Romania:

  • We do not make deliveries outside Romania in case of Individuals, for the moment.

3. Return Policy

The Client is entitled to request the return of the products within 30 working days from the reception of such, without penalties and without indicating a reason, having only the obligation to cover the direct cost of returning the products.

The Client who wants to return the received order, totally or partially, should notify EXHELIOS in writing, within 48 hours from the reception of such, at the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fax numbers 0256473112 or 0256472213, indicating the reference of the order, the products and the reference of the transport document that the products have been dispatched with, as well as details regarding the manner of reimbursing the money (the bank account in which the money should be transferred).

If the products delivered have been accompanied by potential gifts, when the products are returned, the gifts should also be returned, in their original, sealed packaging without having any sign of damage or wear.

If more products of the same type have been bought and all the products are to be returned, the seal of only one of the products may be broken, the rest of the products are accepted only if they are in their sealed original packaging and without showing any sign of damage or wear.

EXHELIOS undertakes to reimburse the amounts cashed in for the products returned within maximum 30 working days from their reception. Only the value of the product is reimbursed without the transport fees.

The right to return without 30 days is given only to the clients who have purchased products online on the website. Legal persons are not entitled to returns!

For any details or uncertainties regarding product return, please contact us via e-mail or at one of the telephone number posted on the website.

If the order is not collected by the client:

If the client does not fulfil the obligation to collect the order and pay the value of the order upon delivery, as he has committed itself at the moment of launching the order, EXHELIOS is entitled to request the payment of the round trip transport, of any fees and penalties. If the client does not fulfil its obligations undertaken upon launching the order in an amicable manner, EXHELIOS reserves its right to act according to the applicable Romanian laws in order to be able to recover the losses caused by the failure to observe the obligations of the client.

4. Promotions and competitions

EXHELIOS establishes the regulations of the promotions and of the competitions which it organizes. These regulations are communicated to the potential participants through own online shop or through messages by using the e-mail. Only those orders that observe precisely the rules presented on the website benefit from promotions. At the same time, the promotions are applied only to the orders which are registered by the company during the period of time in which the promotion is valid and only while stock lasts. EXHELIOS does not guarantee the availability in stock of the products for promotion and can interrupt or cancel it an any moment without prior notice.