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This is a middle-sized tree, and in optimal conditions it may reach 13 m in height, it has a large, round or pyramidal crown, with oval 7-10 cm leaves, with straight edge and branches that sometimes have large 10 cm thorns.


Chamomile is an annual herbaceous or hibernating plant, which grows spontaneously, in the plains and in the mountain areas, in sunny areas.


Comfrey grows in moist places, in meadows, on the shores of waters, sometimes even on road sides. It is spread in the plains up to the mountain area.


Elder is a shrub growing in the spontaneous flora, on plains, up to the prealpine area. In dermatology and cosmetics, the elder flowers (Flores Sambuci) are used, they are harvested when 75% of the flowers are in bloom. Flowering occurs in May-July.


It is a beautifully coloured plant which opens its inflorescences, after night time. Seeds are collected and they are cold pressed in order to obtain oil with multiple healing qualities.


Is a biennial plant, cropped in gardens for its edible roots or frequently encountered as a weed. It was neutralized almost everywhere and may be found especially in areas with high-nitrogen soils.


Heartsease is an annual herbaceous plant, indigenous to Europe, growing in all the seasons, in the spontaneously flora, especially in the hills, up to the subalpine area or in systematic crops.


Hellebore is a herbaceous perennial plant, which grows spontaneously in the forests in the hilly area of the country.


Hops are herbaceous perennial plants, growing in crops or in spontaneous flora, in parks, meadows, on fences, near streams, from plains to the mountains. It flowers in the months of June-September. The fruit is an ashy achene, of ovoid form, disposed in cones.


Horse-chestnut is an exotic tree, growing in gardens, parks or forests. For curative purposes, the bark on the young branches, the flowers, the leaves and the seeds of the chestnut are used. They are used under the form of tincture, decoction or hydroalcoholic extract.


Horseradish is a herbaceous perennial plant, it grows spontaneously near fences, moist areas, but it is also cropped, both for nutritional value and therapeutical value.


Field horsetail is a herbaceous perennial plant native in the plain area and up to the mountain area, in damp places, on the banks of waters, in meadows.

Considered a real “living fossil”, the plant dates back to the Devonian period. Field horsetail has been known and used from antiquity, in traditional medicine, as a source of salicylic acid (active substance contained in the modern aspirin).


John's Wort is a herbaceous perennial plant, which grows in the spontaneous flora in dry places, in fallow lands, on greenfields, on lands with shrubs, on the shores of waters and roads and in systematic crops.


Juniper is a resiniferous, coniferous shrub, it grows spontaneously in the entire Carpathian mountain range, at heights between 700 and 1500 m. The dry juniper fruits (large black berries) are used in the kitchen as spices, especially in marinades, for game or cabbage, and as an ingredient in making gin.


Lady's mantle is a perennial plant, 10-40 cm high, with small green-yellow flowers, spread in the hill area (in grass lands, edges of forests and bushes), on steep slopes and starting points of hill slopes.


Lavandula is a genus of plants from the Lamiaceae family, indigenous to the Mediterranean region, up to tropical Africa and the South-Eastern regions of India. The genus includes around 25-30 species of annual plants, herbaceous plants, shrubs.


It is a shrub from the Rutaceae family, indigenous to Asia, 5 to 10 m high, considered to be evergreen. The ripe fruits have elongated spherical form and the lemon peel has colours varying from light green to bright yellow. The fruit reaches maturity in late autumn, in the Northern hemisphere.


Liquorice is a herbaceous perennial plant, common in the South of Europe and in the Middle East, whose roots with bitter-sweet taste represent one of the oldest spices, used for flavouring of sweets and drinks.


Annual herbaceous plant, grows in the wild, from plains to mountain areas, but also it is grown in gardens, parks, systematic crops, for industrial and medicinal uses. No special climate or soil conditions are necessary, being nonetheless a plant that loves the sun.


Meadowsweet is a herbaceous, melliferous and medicinal perennial plant, 100-120 cm high, with white flowers in corymb. It is frequently encountered on the shores of streams, on plains, up to the upper limit of beech, as well as in the moist meadows and it flowers starting in the month of June, until the end of August.


Mugwort is a perennial plant, widespread in Eurasia and the Middle East, which grows spontaneously on road sides, along fences, in shrub areas.


Sage is a herbaceous plant, with small flowers in various colours, grown as medicinal or decorative plan, originating in the South of Europe and in the Mediterranean regions. In Romania it is grown in the Southern area, around the Danube.


It is a spiny shrub with many branches, growing in Romania starting from the sands and gravel areas near the sea and up to the mountain areas, sometimes making up coppices and shrubs which can be much extended.


Sesame is one of the oldest plants grown by mankind, for its curative and nutritional qualities.


It can be found in moist sandy places, on the edge of gutters, on the shores of lakes and rivers, both on plains and in higher areas. It flowers from May up to late autumn.


A North American tree, witch-hazel is grown for its ornamental properties of the clusters of flowers and its large and oval leaves. The yellow flowers grow in clusters, at the junction of the branches with the leaves, during winter time. It bears brown leaves made up of small capsules, which open and release the seeds.


Yarrow is a stoloniferous herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Asteracee family. The yarrow species have hairy leaves, the flowers are pennate and disposed in a small cluster of flowers.