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Rheumatoid arthritis also called evolutive chronic polyarthritis represents a chronic inflammation of the joints which progresses and finally leads to the immobilisation of the patient. Rheumatoid arthritis is generally located in the small joints of the extremities (fingers, hands), left untreated the disease progresses and represents the most debilitating form of the rheumatic types.

The disease generally affects the feminine gender and occurs most commonly between 25 and 40 years of age. A cause of the disease appears to be associated with the immune system, i.e. an exaggerated reaction (rheumatoid factor) of the body's defence system which attacks its own structures. The rheumatoid factor is an immunoglobulin M which is in fact an anti-immunoglobulin G. The negative effect of this rheumatoid factor is the impairment of the synovial membrane, leading to the inflammation of the membrane and the appearance of pain and the immobilisation of the joint.


The first symptoms occur in the morning and are represented by the sensation of stiffness of the joints, pain and tumefaction which lasts around 30 minutes. Other symptoms are generalised tiredness, redness of the skin, lack of appetite, mild fever and sweating. Pain gradually turns into a permanent discomfort, finally leading to the immobilisation of the patient. 4 stages of rheumatoid arthritis can be distinguished:

Stage I (polyalgic): characterised only by joint pain.

Stage II (exudative): in addition to pain, there is also stiffness and joint deformation as well as tumefaction.

Stage III (proliferative): muscle atrophies, partial strains and ankylosis.

Stage IV (final): the patient becomes disabled and will spend the rest of his life in an immobilised state; this stage occurs generally 15-20 years after the appearance of the first symptoms, but the treatment can slow down or stop the degenerative process.

Based on the intensity of the osteoporosis, other 4 stages of evolution of the disease can be established.


It is important that the disease should be diagnosed as early as possible; 11 signs have been established with the help of which the diagnosis can be set in a simple and precise manner:

  1. limited movement of the joints in the morning
  2. pain or sensitivity when moving at least one joint
  3. tumefaction of the soft parts of the joints lasting at least 6 weeks
  4. relapsing tumefaction of at least one joint within 3 months
  5. symmetrical joint tumefaction
  6. subcutaneous nodules in the joint area
  7. X-ray lesions with bone decalcifications
  8. positive reaction for the rheumatoid factor
  9. the mucin concentration in the synovial fluid is low
  10. multiple histologic impairments of the synovial
  11. presence of the rheumatoid nodule in the skin nodosities

For a more precise diagnosis of evolutive chronic polyarthritis, 7-8 of these symptoms should be present.


Treatment is complex and it is very important that treatment should be started as early as possible. Treatment is concomitantly medicinal and balneophysiokinetotherapic, but at the same time, other adjunctive or complimentary therapies may be useful. There are modern treatment methods and protocols which stop the progression of the disease allowing a normal life. The adjunctive treatment recommended by us is the following:

  • massage with the Dr. Boici Cream, which has a very powerful antirheumatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, it calms the pain immediately and restore joint mobility,
  • the use of the Relaxing Gel with hellebore for physiotherapic procedures, in addition to the very intense individual effect, it also amplifies the effect of physiotherapy, resulting in a long term pain relief and a minimisation of the inflammation,
  • the compresses with the Relaxing Solution with hellebore, resulting in a beneficial effect of boosting the other types of treatment as well as an increase in the antirheumatic effect of the other products.

The Dr. Boici Cream, the Relaxing Gel with hellebore and the Relaxing Solution with hellebore contain extracts of hellebore, chestnut and juniper, a mixture with offers the following effects at the same time: antirheumatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect, effect of stimulating the capillary circulation, vasoregulator, venotonic and relaxing effects.

The price of these products is convenient and reasonable for all social classes.